Contact us to learn more about any of our ministries!
Behind the Scenes: Administrative Team
Meet our admin team!
Campus Mission
A mission in partnership with Momentum Campus Ministry on the campus of East Central University.
Central Bible Academy
Central Bible Academy (CBA) is a preschool for children ages 2- PK.
Children’s Ministry
Central’s heart for children shows in our dedication to providing Bible classes and other activities on Sundays and Wednesdays. Our classes are focused on helping children know God’s love for them and to hide God’s word in their heart.
Church Library
The purpose of the Central Church of Christ Library is to support the growth of individuals and small groups in being passion driven, forward thinking and spirit led. The library is open before and after services on Sundays and Wednesdays and by appointment. Contact Marla Lobley to set up an appointment.
Compassion Outreach Center
A free medical clinic to those in Pontotoc County who do not have health insurance.
Family Ministry
We aim to make our church a big family and to make our families little churches. Learn more about what family ministry means at Central.
Mission Committee
Interested in missions? These are the people to ask!
Youth Ministry
Classes and activities are offered for junior high and high school students, including a weekly High School Hangout and a monthly Game Night.